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Some people are upset the new Mirror's Edge locks abilities behind XP upgrades

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  • Some people are upset the new Mirror's Edge locks abilities behind XP upgrades

    Since yesterday's preview embargo lifted, there's been a lot of talk online about the unlock system in Mirror's Edge Catalyst. NeoGAF user A-V-B posted an image of the movement skill tree, replying to a comment from another user who said: "If rolling, and swinging from poles, and 90-degree turns, are locked behind XP upgrades, I am pissed."
    In short, A-V-B isn't wrong. Rolling, swinging from poles and 90-degree turns are locked behind XP upgrades.
    This has come as something of a shock to Mirror's Edge fans, for whom these techniques are an integral part of the experience. The idea of having to grind through an XP system with a limited skillset is, seemingly, an unappealing one. In the first Mirror's Edge, every ability Faith had at her disposal was available from the off. Indeed, the tutorial was comprehensive and for some punishing as a result.
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