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DC Comics' Weirdest Characters

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  • DC Comics' Weirdest Characters

    DC Comics was founded in 1934, and in the 82 years of existence, thousands of characters have been introduced. Some of these characters are beloved all across the world: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others. However, not every creation was a star. In fact, there are a lot of metahumans in the DCU that are more than forgettable: they're strange.

    Matter-Eater Lad

    Matter-Eater Lad is one of the members of the Legion of Superheroes with the ability to eat and digest anything without causing harm to himself. Need a fence or rock removed? Let this hero help you out!

    Arm-Fall-Off Boy

    Arm-Fall-Off Boy's tenure at DC Comics may have been brief, but it sure has become infamous. This character can take off his own arm and beat people with it. We wonder why he didn't stand the test of time.


    While many of the characters on this list are pretty worthless, Mogo packs one heck of a punch. It's a whole planet that is a member of the Green Lantern Corps. It's a living, sentient being; however, it's still just a planet, floating through space, trying to fight comparatively tiny super-villains.


    Codpiece was in one issue of Doom Patrol, back in 1993, and he left such a lasting impression that people are still talking about him today. Why is that? It's because Codpiece has a gun coming right out of his crotch.


    Arseface may look familiar if you're watching the AMC television series, Preacher. The character comes straight out of the comic book as a teenager who tried to commit suicide and failed. He was left with a deformed face and played a big part in the Preacher comic series.

    The Ten-Eyed Man

    The Ten-Eyed Man is a '70s Batman villain who had the ability to see out of his fingertips through the magic of fiber-optics. The character was recently revamped in the weekly series Batman Eternal. Regardless of the revamp, he was still pretty worthless.


    Prez is the first teenage President of the United States of America. This young adult runs the country all while taking on villains like Boss Smiley, which was a corporate mouthpiece that had a smiley face for a head.

    Danny The Street

    Danny The Street is one of DC's most bizarre characters in all of the history of comics. It's a street that can move itself from place to place. He can talk by utilizing pieces of the environment and fix himself.


    Dogwelder is exactly what you think he is: a guy who welds dogs to people. He was a member of the superhero group Section 8, and ultimately met his demise when he got acid spit all over him.

    Brother Power

    Brother Power is a character straight out of the hippy movement of the 1960s. Lightning struck a dummy, and it came to life. He's a pacifist, so he isn't keen on getting into fights. Even stranger is that this character has appeared in over 30 comics, which is more than many of the other characters listed here.

    Stone Boy

    Stone Boy has the power to turn his body into stone, much like his name would imply. However, what's different about this hero, compared to other stone-skinned heroes, is that he becomes inanimate in his stone form. He can't move at all in this form, so his Legion team members would drop him on their enemies heads.

    Bouncing Boy

    Bouncing Boy is another bizarre Legion of Superheroes member, with an extremely uncreative name. He keeps bouncing back into the comics, pun intended, even though his power is to inflate his body into a sphere and bounce off of objects.

    Red Bee

    Red Bee seems like a run-of-the-mill superhero, especially for the 1940s. What made this character exceptionally weird is that inside his belt he kept a stable of trained bees he would use against his enemies. How does one go about training bees?

    Color Kid

    Finally, there is Color Kid, who has the ability to change the color of objects. Don't want a red apple? Color Kid will make it blue for you. This character has come in handy, in the past, when he had to change the color of Kryptonite in order to save Superboy, so he's not completely worthless.
