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David Cage and Quantic Dream "shocked" by allegations of unhealthy studio culture

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  • David Cage and Quantic Dream "shocked" by allegations of unhealthy studio culture

    UPDATE 15TH JANUARY: This article previously translated a passage of a French report to say Guillaume de Fondaumière was accused of "pushing kisses" on staff at parties, but the translation is incorrect, as de Fondaumière himself later pointed out to me. After further consultation we have a more accurate translation. The accusation revolves around the common French greeting of air-kissing when two people meet. Guillaume de Fondaumière is accused of making more contact with his kisses than is considered appropriate.
    Guillaume de Fondaumière went on to tell me: "Please note I categorically refute all allegations, in particular 'hitting on staff'."
    Quantic Dream also formerly issued a statement yesterday evening in response to the reports. Guillaume de Fondaumière shared the statement on Twitter.
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