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Heat Signature gets spiffy new graphics and a dev walkthrough

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  • Heat Signature gets spiffy new graphics and a dev walkthrough

    Gunpoint developer Tom Francis' upcoming procedurally-generated stealthy space adventure Heat Signature has sure come a long way since we saw it in August. At the time Francis was looking to hire an artist and composer and Gunpoint artist John Roberts filled the former position where he created the all new assets you can see in the latest developer walkthrough below.
    As you can see, Heat Signature is starting to resemble a sci-fi Hotline Miami... if Hotline Miami let you cruise between randomly generated levels, then use those levels to blow up other levels.
    The interior stealth battles will look familiar to fans of Dennaton Games' top-down f***-'em-up, only with the added twist of being able to hack doors to trap your enemies. The main difference is that you can take control of enemy ships, which essentially lets you transport the entire stage through the cosmos. At this point you can engage in combat with other vessels, set a self destruct sequence and disengage, or simply plunder the craft for loot.
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