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PS4 Getting Friend Notifications, Video Suggests

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  • PS4 Getting Friend Notifications, Video Suggests

    Sony on Thursday released a new PlayStation 4 video that suggests online friend notifications, a much-requested system feature, might be coming to the console soon.
    At the 10-second mark in the video below you can see a friend notification appear in the top right corner of the screen during a Destiny mission.
    We weren't the only ones to notice, as several commenters caught the tease, too. Here's what some of them had to say:
    • "That logged in notification though"
    • "happy about friends notification coming finally but seriously sony you should be embarrassed it took you so long"
    • "How you got that log in notification ? Is it gonna be in a new update?"
    • "So basically Sony adds friend notifications after year of asking them? Community friendly you say? This is why I started disliking Sony."

    Sony hasn't yet officially announced a friend notification system for PS4. We'll keep an ear to the ground, and update this post with anything we hear from the company about the feature.
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