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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes turns VR into a local multiplayer riot

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  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes turns VR into a local multiplayer riot

    Last year's GDC ended on a cliffhanger for me. Ensnared in an Oculus Rift at the Experimental Gameplay Workshop, I was scrambling to defuse a virtual bomb while my teammates franticly analysed printed documents explaining how to disarm the explosive device I was trying to describe to them. Amid the panicked discussion, I heard a woman's voice say something about how they needed to clear the room - something I found odd as the program stated the event would be running for another hour. "Just a minute," I muttered to the unseen voice.
    "No, not just a minute. NOW!" she replied.
    I pulled off the VR headset to see that in the past three minutes 90 per cent of the room had been cleared out as ushers were aggressively shutting the place down - a fate much worse than the make-believe bomb going off.
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