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How to power and program your Fallout 4 settlements like a pro

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  • How to power and program your Fallout 4 settlements like a pro

    Fallout 4 does a great job of immersing you in Bethesda's post-nuclear Commonwealth, but pretty much everyone agrees it does a horrible job of explaining how base-building works.
    After a brief tutorial in which you're charged with planting down a couple of beds and placing a couple of turrets in the first settlement you come across, Fallout 4 deserts the hopeful base-builder, casting them adrift in a sea of power cables, generators and light bulbs - none of which I could get to work.
    However, if you've watched Ian's Fallout 4 base-building for beginners video, you'll have got off to a good start. Ian's advanced Fallout 4 base-building tips video will then have helped take your settlements to the next level.
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