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The Division isn't another Destiny - for better and worse

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  • The Division isn't another Destiny - for better and worse

    There's 90 seconds until the extraction is complete and I'm eyeing the clock. I'm standing next to a guy I met up with a few blocks back. He was pinned down by looters. We finished them off together and exchanged jumping jack emotes, then headed off to the extraction point to secure our reward.
    60 seconds to go now, and another player has joined us. We all keep moving, circling around with an eye on our radars. Or, at least, that's what I think we're all doing. This is great - there's no one else around, all is going well. I'm about to complete the first of what will likely be hundreds of runs through The Division's little gameplay loops. Ubisoft's online shooter is about venturing out, exploring, finding supplies and taking on AI enemies (or other players, if they have decided to turn on others and been branded as rogue, meaning fair game). Then you extract your loot so it is waiting, clean and ready, the next time you return to base.
    20 seconds left, all still seems fine. 10 seconds - and out of nowhere my character is on the floor. She's been shot in the head and is bleeding out. My buddy from a few blocks back is running over, trying to revive me, but our newest friend is already on top of him too. And that's it - the loot is gone - and that guy's perfectly timed betrayal is complete. What a prick.
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