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5 Developments From Agents of SHIELD: Season 4, Episode 3 [Spoilers]

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  • 5 Developments From Agents of SHIELD: Season 4, Episode 3 [Spoilers]

    Marvel's Agents of SHIELD may have taken a week off, but the action and problems continue in another explosive episode. We've seen conflict with the supernatural as ghosts have appeared along with the introduction of Ghost Rider. As a result of the ghosts, Agent May's life is now threatened. At the same time, the Inhumans are being thrown into the spotlight as a new group is calling for an end to the required registration from the Sokovia Accords. They feel Inhumans shouldn't be forced to sign just because they have special abilities.
    Warning: Spoilers for Season 4, Episode 3 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, "Uprising," will be discussed below.

    Inhumans Uprising

    An Inhuman resistance group has gone public. After causing a city-wide blackout in Miami, they threaten to blackout a city each hour until the required registration is stopped. Jeffrey, the new Director, sends Coulson, Mack, and Fitz to Miami to investigate the group and locate Yo-Yo.
    The President puts pressure on the Director to put an end to the Inhuman terrorists. Surprised by the group's technology and global reach, Coulson and his team discover their true purpose.

    Daisy Finds Out More About Robbie Reyes
    Daisy and Robbie came to a bit of an understanding. Robbie is seeking vengeance and Daisy wants to stop the Watchdogs, the anti-Inhuman group. Robbie talks about his Uncle Eli, who worked at the Momentum facility where the ghosts were seen last episode. He was put in the penitentiary for attempted manslaughter. Eli raised Robbie and his brother Gabe. He says he's a "good man who did a bad thing."
    When the power goes out in LA, Robbie and Daisy come to Gabe's aid as gangbangers threaten to steel his wheelchair. During the fight, Daisy uses her powers and suffers more bone fractures on her forearm. They head back to the Reyes' house, and Robbie goes out to take care of looters in the city as Ghost Rider. Gabe isn't aware of Robbie's "night job," but later, Gabe tells Daisy he figured she is Quake and wanted by the authorities. He only wants good people around his brother and says he'll keep her secret if she leaves before Robbie returns.

    Radcliffe and Simmons Kill May to Save Her

    When one of the other gang leaders infected by the ghost dies, Simmons calculates May has about 24 hours until she suffers the same fate. May was taken to a CDC facility in upstate New York but is being transferred to Doctor Radcliffe's place. Radcliffe makes sure Aida, the LMD (Life Model Decoy), is put away before they arrive.
    May's brain is going into overdrive. She's literally being scared to death. Radcliffe deduces they need to reboot her brain, like a computer. In order to do that, they have to kill her. Simmons reluctantly agrees. As the time comes to resuscitate May, the power cuts out. Radcliffe uses Aida's power source so Simmons can revive May.

    SHIELD Goes Public
    With the Watchdogs having a mysterious new backer, the public needs to know what's going on. Inhumans are being feared, and it needs to be clear they weren't responsible for the blackouts. It also seems the classified list of Inhumans registering is being leaked to the Watchdogs.
    The Director lets the public know it was extremists that caused the blackouts. He reassures them they will be safe now that SHIELD has returned.

    The Mysterious Watchdogs Backer
    Senator Rota Nadeer is very outspoken over the potential threat of the Inhumans' existence. As Director Jeffrey makes his announcement about SHIELD, she's talking to someone over the phone about what's going on. She feels SHIELD will simply become a puppet for the Inhumans and is pleased to hear that 17 were eliminated during the blackouts. As she leaves the room, we see her brother is an Inhuman, stuck in a Terrigenesis cocoon.

    With the blackouts, we got to see Coulson, Mack, and Fitz in action in the field. Along with Yo-Yo, it was great seeing them handle a threat using their fists and brains, especially in Fitz's case.
    We get closure on May being infected, but the ghosts are still out there. There's mention of Robbie's Uncle Eli being associated with the lab. It's interesting finding out more about his past. It appears Eli will be different from his comic book counterpart. We're not sure what Ghost Rider's connection is to the Darkhold book mentioned last episode, but Daisy and Robbie are developing an interesting work relationship. Daisy may have left, but we can hope they'll come back together since Ghost Rider will continue to appear in upcoming episodes.
