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Prey's new PS4 Pro support is welcome - but the added stutter isn't

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  • Prey's new PS4 Pro support is welcome - but the added stutter isn't

    It's been a few weeks since Prey launched and it's quickly become one of our favorite games of the year - at least on PC. You get a solid enough experience on Xbox One, but if you're a PS4 owner trying to enjoy the game, there've been a number of roadblocks, to say the least. The game launched with serious input lag, lengthy load times and no PlayStation 4 Pro support - despite functionality being flagged on the box. With the release of patch 1.04, Pro features have finally arrived, but Arkane Austin's attempts to improve the laggy controls have resulted in a massive own goal. Put simply, for PS4 owners, there's a strong argument that the new patch now represents a retrograde step.
    First up though, let's assess the scale and scope of the PS4 Pro improvements. The bad news is that resolution remains at 1080p, but visual quality is clearly improved. Screen-space reflections - which were previously exclusive to PC - are now available on the Pro and look excellent, while dynamic shadows feature improved resolution, though pop-in on these elements can still look somewhat off-putting.
    Anisotropic filtering is improved from 4x to full-on 16x, enabling sharper detail in the distance on elements such as ground textures. The additional 512MB of memory available to developers is also used to eliminate the occasional texture pop-in you get on the standard system, while dynamic light sources are now visible further into the distance. It doesn't fundamentally change the look of the game but the overall presentation is certainly more refined and looks much closer to the PC version running at 1080p. It would have been nice to see support for a higher resolution but still, it's great to see the game improved at last.
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