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News: Darwinia+ out "next side of Christmas"

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  • News: Darwinia+ out "next side of Christmas"

    Introversion's tale of frustration.

    Introversion's Mark Morris and Chris Delay told the Eurogamer Expo this week that Darwinia+ will be submitted to Xbox Live Arcade certification in "the next few weeks", with a likely release "the next side of Christmas".

    The pair, speaking yesterday afternoon, told a tale of adaptation and frustration, and specifically the stark contrast between Introversion in 2009 and Introversion on stage at the Independent Games Festival in 2006, when they took the star prize for the original Darwinia.

    Confident IGF outbursts like, "We didn't want any publishers f***ing up our game", have turned into admissions like, "At the end of the day we're a business and we need to sell as many copies as we can." Not to mention: "We're sick to f***ing death of Darwinia+". But there's a good reason for that. "We first started talking about it in 2006, and it's 2009 now and it hasn't come out yet," said Morris. Worse, Introversion had to answer to someone else: Microsoft.

