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Buy OTT gaming guff to help charity GamesAid this Christmas

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  • Buy OTT gaming guff to help charity GamesAid this Christmas

    Which angle to go for? The one about you being able to buy a Burnout Crash chicken, cheerleader or karate suit signed by David Hasselhoff? Or the one about you spending a bit of money this Christmas to help the GamesAid charity that helps disabled or disadvantaged young people in the UK? Appeal to the kleptomaniac or tug on the heartstrings?
    Doesn't really matter; truth is, GamesAid is doing a video game Christmas auction on eBay and there may be something you like.
    Auctions of note include a life-size Assassin's Creed 3 Connor statue (maybe position it just inside your front door when you go out, then let someone else open the door on your way back in) - current bid 99 pence; a rare and quite freaky actually Tomb Raider Amada Evert doll (perfect for a niece or nephew you don't like) - current bid £5.50; and some football boots signed by Tottenham star Gareth Bale (desecrate or celebrate at your discretion) - current bid 99 pence.
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