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Saints Row 4: Enter The Dominatrix review

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  • Saints Row 4: Enter The Dominatrix review

    Enter the Dominatrix is potentially a fascinating case study in how games evolve. In its nascent form, it was an expansion pack for Saints Row: The Third until THQ decided it merited a full-blown sequel. This, then, presents a shorter, alternative take on the Zin invasion, with the simulated Steelport in which the Saints are trapped taken over by a rogue AI program, the titular Dominatrix.
    Volition opts not to take the opportunity to discuss the vagaries of game development, and instead plays it for laughs. Which is probably for the best, as it turns out. This isn't a particularly great expansion in mechanical terms, but the way it's presented papers over a lot of cracks.
    It all hangs upon a very post-modern conceit that, in other hands, could have been horribly smug or indulgent. The action is framed as previously unseen footage, revealed by the cast to journalist Jane Valderama on her TV show. The Saints, including characters from previous games that didn't make the cut in 4, comment on events throughout, winking to camera during the interstitial interview snippets, and in one case - namely, SR4 absentee Donnie - moaning about their lack of screen time.
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