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Uncharted 3 gets final patch as all multiplayer maps made free

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  • Uncharted 3 gets final patch as all multiplayer maps made free

    PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted 3 is two years old, and to celebrate Naughty Dog has released the game's final major patch and made all multiplayer maps free to download.
    The Sony-owned studio will continue to support the game via Lab updates and community events, and it will look into patching the game if there's a "dire need" for a future one, community manager Eric Monacelli wrote on the EU PlayStation Blog.
    Naughty Dog has made sweeping changes to Uncharted 3's multiplayer with the release of patch 1.18. "We combed over a multitude of comments and*forum posts*to see what you wanted changed in the multiplayer game," Monacelli said. "We took the most highly sought changes mentioned and made them happen." The update 1.18 patch notes are over at the PlayStation Blog.
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