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Letter from America: Yo Doom! You's old

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  • Letter from America: Yo Doom! You's old

    Greetings all.
    As we head into the Christmas period, the games industry is doing the equivalent of wandering around in its pyjamas, absentmindedly brushing its teeth as it gets ready for a nice seasonal slumber. And I'm really happy about that, because it's been a funny old year. The protracted tailing-off of the outgoing generation created summer gaming doldrums the likes of which we haven't seen in decades, and soon after we were lashed with a veritable winter hurricane of new-generation brouhaha. Now it's all over, bar some sales-numbers-shouting, and it's time to take stock.
    The industry's year-end kip is always a challenge for us poor, hard-done-by journalists. We have to wrack our withered brains to come up with non-news news pieces (like this story about the Mega Man board game Kickstarter project that went gangbusters the moment it launched), and retrospective lookback remember-o-thons to fill the editorial void. And we've been doing a lot of that this week.
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