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The Long Dark's Early Access delivers some quality alone time

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  • The Long Dark's Early Access delivers some quality alone time

    I've encountered three main antagonists during the dozen or so hours that I've spent with Hinterland's early access survival title, The Long Dark. That takes some doing in a game that's currently without its upcoming story mode and the mooted addition of AI survivors to its open-ended sandbox. Nonetheless, I encounter the same three foes frequently enough that they bear telling of here, so that you might avoid making the same mistakes I have.
    My first nemesis is my own stupidity. Fortunately, this has rarely been colossal enough to prove fatal but has been apparent too often for me to ignore. I've contracted dysentery by failing to boil melted snow before ingesting it, I've busted my ankle scrambling down a snowy hillside to reach a remote cabin, I've done any number of other foolish things that have dented my chances of long-term survival.
    On the plus side, I'm usually only left a little worse for wear and a tad red-faced, while what ails me can be fixed with antibiotics, antiseptic, bandages and bed-rest. This takes time and eats into precious resources but at least I have a well-stocked first aid kit to patch me up. That said, no amount of lotions and potions could save me from the time I stubbornly spent three hours stripping a dear carcass of its meat, hide and guts only to die of exposure when the sun went down. Idiot.
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