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Uncharted 4 Is Nathan Drake's Final Chapter, Developer Says

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  • Uncharted 4 Is Nathan Drake's Final Chapter, Developer Says

    Earlier this week, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End co-director Neil Druckmann suggested in an interview with GameSpot that the upcoming PlayStation 4 game may be the final entry in the series to star Nathan Drake. Now, that seems like a sure thing, based on new comments from another Naughty Dog developer.
    "[Druckmann and Bruce Straley], our directors, they have a vision [for Uncharted 4]," lead designer Kurt Margenau said during GameSpot's E3 2015 livestream today. "We are fulfilling that vision and it's going to be awesome. It's Nathan Drake's final chapter, so I think fans are going to be happy."
    From our earlier interview, here's what Druckmann had to say on the subject of bringing an end to Nathan Drake's story:
    "The first three games were the set-up, and if we were to do one more, how would we top it all off? How would we bring Nathan Drake's journey to a close? Everything we're doing [with Uncharted 4] is constructed towards that; Bringing closure to a very long journey."
    Speculation about Uncharted 4 being the final entry in Drake's saga began when the game's ominous subtitle, A Thief's End, was first mentioned. The game's announcement trailer also showed an older, more weather Drake; someone who might not be fit for another adventure.
    Even if Uncharted 4 is the final entry in Drake's saga, we would be surprised if it was the last game in the series overall. After all, Uncharted is a tentpole Sony franchise; sales have been strong with more than 21 million copies sold to date and a movie is even in development.
    As for who might take over for Drake if there is to be an Uncharted 5, that remains to be seen.
    You can watch our full Uncharted 4 interview with Margenau below.
    Uncharted 4 launches in spring 2016 exclusively for PS4.
