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15 Things That Change the DC Comics Universe in Rebirth Special #1

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  • 15 Things That Change the DC Comics Universe in Rebirth Special #1

    DC Universe Rebirth #1

    DC Universe Rebirth Special #1 is on sale this Wednesday, May 25, with the 80-page comic setting the stage for the entire DC Universe moving forward. When the entire line of comics was rebooted in 2011 with The New 52, some key points were removed from the characters' histories. DC chief creative officer Geoff Johns is bringing back the missing elements and revealing a new threat.
    DC Comics has given us early access to the comic along with some interior pages to share. The one-shot special has several shocking and thrilling moments for new and old comic fans. Warning: there will be some major spoilers revealed in the following pages.

    There Are Three Jokers?

    During The Darkseid War story arc in Justice League, Batman was temporarily given the ability to find the answer to any question when sitting on the Mobius Chair. When he asked what Joker's real name was, he was shocked and replied, "That's not possible." It's revealed that the chair told him there were three. This is something that will unfold in an upcoming story.

    The Original Wally West/Kid Flash Returns

    The New 52 resulted in some changes in classic characters. Wally West was originally a red-haired Caucasian with freckles. When he was recently re-introduced, Wally was African-American (on his mother's side).
    Somehow the older version Wally arrived and is trying to deliver a message about an unknown threat. Unfortunately, it's a struggle for him to exist in this world, and he may not be able to reveal the big secret.

    A Secret Foe Created the New 52 Universe

    Wally's first stop was the Batcave. He figured if anyone could help deal with the threat, it was Batman. During his inner-monologue, Wally tells us when the timelines were merged to create the universe, 10 years were stolen from them. The experience and bonds the heroes had formed was gone. No one, except Wally, was aware of this.

    Johnny Thunder and the Justice Society

    The Justice Society of America was the precursor to the Justice League. In the New 52 Universe, the JSA never existed. Wally's next attempt to deliver his message was to Johnny Thunder. This is another failed attempt as Johnny is nearly 100 and might be a little senile. His appearance here seems to be a good indication the JSA will make a comeback.

    Saturn Girl and the Legion of Super-Heroes

    The Legion of Super-Heroes are from the 30th and 31st centuries. Saturn Girl has somehow arrived in the present. Arrested for trying to take a sandwich without paying, the police believe she is not mentally stable. She asks to see Superman, and says she can wait because she has seen the future. The only thing she has in her possession was a Legion Flight ring.

    Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer

    Ray Palmer, the Atom, has gone missing. One of his students, Ryan Choi, receives a message from Ray. The message reveals Ray has shrunk down to the Microverse, and he's in trouble. Informing Ryan of an extra size-changing belt and how to get to his location, Ryan is about to become the Atom, just as he was before the New 52 happened. Ray tries giving Ryan a warning about someone that will seek him out but is cut off before he can give specific details.

    Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes

    Ted Kord was the Beetle before Jaime Reyes found a scarab that attached itself to his back, making him the Blue Beetle. We haven't seen too much of Ted in the New 52. Ted is working on his bug-shaped aircraft (called the Bug), along with his traditional goggles and Beetle symbol on a t-shirt.

    The Fate of Pandora

    Pandora was a mysterious figure that arrived with the start of the New 52 Universe. She's on the run and tries defending the existence of the world. Her unseen pursuer simply obliterates her.

    Wonder Woman Has a...Brother?

    It was always believed that Steve Trevor was the first man to step foot on Paradise Island. As alluded to in Justice League #50, this isn't the case. Grail, the Amazonian daughter of Darkseid, reveals Wonder Woman has a twin brother named Jason. What happened to him and where he's been all this time will soon be revealed.

    Crazy Things Are Happening With Superman

    The New 52 version of Superman is dead. The original Superman has been living in this universe with his wife Lois Lane (also from his universe) and their son (after the events of the Convergence comic book event). It appears this Superman might take the place of the New 52 version.
    Clark is approached by a mysterious man calling himself Mr. Oz. Oz informs Clark that he and his family are not what they believe they are. Oz also says the fallen Superman isn't either. We'll have to read upcoming issues to find out what this means.

    Green Arrow and Black Canary

    Before the New 52, Green Arrow and Black Canary had a deep and rich past. They had a serious relationship which led to marriage. That hasn't been the case in the current comics. The two have barely interacted. That's all about to changed as the two are now being drawn closer together.

    Aquaman and Mera

    Another couple getting closer together is Aquaman and Mera. The two have been through a lot together and Aquaman finally decides to propose.

    Wally West Reaches out to Linda Park

    In the previous comics, Linda Park was Wally West's love and anchor. The two eventually married and even had twins. In this issue, Wally appears younger than he was before. This could be due to the 10 years stolen from everyone. When Wally finds Linda, he attempts making contact with her. She has no idea who he is and is unable to be what Wally needs to fully cross over into this universe.

    There Are Two Wally Wests

    The two different Wally Wests were mentioned before. It turns out they are not meant to be the same character. The original Wally was the son of Rudy West. The newer version is actually the son of Daniel West. Both were named after their great-grandfather, Wallace West, and never met.
    Wally later finds Barry and realizes he won't remember who he is. He's come to terms with this and is content with just being able to say goodbye. He tells Barry they've all forgotten things, and he thanks him for a great life. As it appears he's being torn apart, Barry is able to pull him into the world. Embracing, Barry apologizes for forgetting him.

    Who is the Big Threat?

    Wally tells Barry it was someone else that took time away from them in order to weaken them. Where Wally shot through the wall in the Batcave, Batman notices something embedded in the spot. Digging it out, he discovers the bloodied smiley face button. The story then shifts to Mars...
