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Bill Nye on Star Wars: "The Force" Cannot Exist

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  • Bill Nye on Star Wars: "The Force" Cannot Exist

    As a scientist, Bill Nye the Science Guy was initially "infuriated" by Star Wars. He's now come to enjoy it, but wants everyone to know that The Force does not, and cannot, exist.
    Appearing on the Star Wars: Rogue One red carpet premiere event, Nye was asked for his thoughts on the Star Wars franchise. "It infuriated me for a while, but it's a science-fiction thing, everybody. Cheer up," he said.
    Nye pointed out that there is no air in space, so "there's not going to be all those sounds" of space ship lasers. There could still be explosions (like the explosion of the Death Star) Nye admitted.
    He followed this up by saying the Force--the metaphysical power that connects living things in the Star Wars universe--cannot exist from a scientific perspective. "But just also, scientifically, there is no Force," he said.
    Also in the interview, Nye said the Star Wars franchise is much more than just space ships and lasers. "It's a human story, even though they're dressed in rubber heads. It's all about people," he said.
    This echoes what George Lucas himself said last year when speaking about his thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
    "It's a family soap opera," he said. "People don't realize it's actually a soap opera and it's all about family problems--it's not about spaceships. So they decided they didn't want to use those stories; they decided they were going to do their own thing so I decided, 'Fine.'"
    Rogue One lands in theaters this coming Friday, December 16. The film premiered in Hollywood on December 9, and the initial reactions were very positive.
    In Star Wars gaming news, Star Wars Battlefront's Rogue One tie-in DLC, Rogue One: Scarif, launched last week for some players. It added new content from the films such as maps from the tropical planet Scarif, as well as Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic as playable characters.
