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Google Glass with Intel Inside May Happen in 2015

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  • Google Glass with Intel Inside May Happen in 2015

    Out with Texas Instruments, in with Intel

    Intel may be pairing with Google Glass, replacing Texas Instruments as the supplier of chips that power the wearable device. The Santa Clara chip maker is said to be producing processors for a new version of Google Glass that's expected to come out next year. If true, this would give the chip giant a vested interest in a wearable platform that hasn't seen much media attention lately.
    Citing "people familiar with the matter," The Wall Street Journal reports that Intel plans on actively promoting Glass to places such as hospitals, while simultaneously developing new workplace uses for the technology. At present, Glass is largely considered a consumer device, though it sounds like Intel wants to change that perception.
    Following the initial hype, excitement over Glass seems to have waned, though that hasn't stopped Google from rolling out improvements to the technology. Glass is now compatible with prescription lenses and ships with twice as much RAM as when it first debuted.
    Having Intel involved in the technology could revitalize a bit of excitement into the category, depending on what new tricks Glass learns.
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