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Firefox 34 Arrives with Yahoo as Default Search Engine, Doesn't Switch Automatically

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  • Firefox 34 Arrives with Yahoo as Default Search Engine, Doesn't Switch Automatically

    Mozilla chooses the less obtrusive path

    It's the end of the Google era at Mozilla. Firefox 34 is available to download today, and with it comes Yahoo as the new default search partner in the U.S. However, don't fret if you're not cool with the change -- Mozilla isn't forcing Yahoo down anyone's throat. If you're content with whichever search engine is currently your default, Firefox will courteously leave it alone, so there's no need to make any changes following today's update.
    At least that was case when we updated our browser installs. In multiple instances, Firefox left things alone and simply asked if we'd like to switch to Yahoo the first time we fired up the updated build. It's a pretty unobtrusive way of making the transition, especially since it was previously reported that Firefox would switch over to Yahoo automatically.
    Also new to Firefox 34 is the One-Click search functionality. When you type a query into the search field, you'll see a grid of icons appear representing different search engines, like DuckDuckGo, eBay, Bing, and so forth. Just click on any of them to conduct a search for whatever you typed into the field and it will use that search engine without changing your default -- pretty slick.
    You can find more of what's new in Firefox 34 in the release notes.
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