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Former LulzSec Hacker Turned Informant Talks Life Without a PC

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  • Former LulzSec Hacker Turned Informant Talks Life Without a PC

    What life is like for an ex-hacker

    Hector Monsegur caused quite a bit of chaos during his stint as a LulzSec hacker, a group he co-founded. You may know him better as "Sabu," his online stage name when he was helping the hacking group with its agenda. That is, until the FBI tracked him down and gave him a proposition he couldn't (or wouldn't) refuse -- help them convict other LulzSec hackers or risk losing the two girls he was fostering. Monsegur accepted the FBI's proposition, and with that part of his life now behind him, he's ready to speak about his days as a hacker and informant.
    CNET has the three part interview with Monsegur, who talks about growing up in poverty and how several immediate family members had spent time behind bars. Around that same time, a period he describes as feeling alone, his foray into computers began with an Apple computer from the 1990s. He would play games on it before his Aunt later bought him a Sony Vaio with Windows 95. Not long after he discovered the Hacker's Manifesto, which drew him into the world of hacking.
    Thousands of illegal activities later, he was caught by the FBI and facing around a dozen counts of hacking and fraud. Using his foster girls as incentive, the FBI was able to get Monsegur to agree to be an informant, ultimately helping to thwart several hundred hacks against government sites. He also played a significant role in the arrests of fellow hackers, one of which is Jeremy Hammond, who's currently serving a 10-year sentence.
    Monsegur served seven months, in part because the FBI took the unusual role of outlining exactly how helpful he had been. He's even allowed to own a PC, though he doesn't have one these days because he's afraid of being framed.
    There's a lot more to the story, including his thoughts and theory on the recent Sony attack. When you have a free moment, check out the full interview by going here.
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