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Build 9926 Arrives with Some More Pages from Windows’ Next Chapter

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  • Build 9926 Arrives with Some More Pages from Windows’ Next Chapter

    Fast and slow rings receive January build simultaneously

    A couple of days after its much talked about “Windows 10: The Next Chapter” event and over two months after the last official preview release, Microsoft on Friday rolled out a new Windows 10 Technical Preview build to the Windows Insider Program. A lot has changed from the last build, with the January Technical Preview containing many new features and apps (including some that are a bit too incipient to be of any real use at this stage).
    This latest build (download) includes: Cortana integration; Continuum interface with separate desktop and tablet modes; a new Start Menu that metamorphoses into Start Screen in tablet mode; a new Settings app that has, among other things, a Control Panel-esque homepage; and finally a more convenient way to connect to wireless audio and video devices via the new Action Center. Build 9926 isn’t short on new apps, either. They include new versions of Photos, Maps and the Windows Store (in beta; old version also present), as well as an all-new Xbox app.
    A lot of what is in this build can be seen in action in the following video walkthrough of Windows 10 features by Joe Belfiore, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Operating Systems Group:

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