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Raspberry Pi Sells Over 5 Million Units to Date

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  • Raspberry Pi Sells Over 5 Million Units to Date

    Pi 2 sells 500,000 units since launch

    It is hard to believe that the Raspberry Pi has been around for three years already. Launched back in 2012, the credit card-sized PC attracted quite a bit of attention due to its $35 price and potential ability to encourage programming with children. Today, it was revealed that over 5 million units of Raspberry Pi have been sold to date.
    “Just confirmed the big news we’ve all been waiting for: we’ve now sold more than 5 million Raspberry Pis,” a tweet from the official Twitter account for Raspberry Pi stated. The news was followed by another that went on to say, “We think that this means that in just under 3 years, we’ve gone from zero to being the biggest selling UK computer manufacturer ever. Yowza.”
    Whether that last statement is true or not, it is safe to say that selling over 5 million units is a very impressive feat. As to how many units for each model was sold, the Raspberry Pi foundation, which spoke to The Verge, said that about 3 million units of the original Raspberry Pi, named Model B, were sold. Meanwhile, the Model B+ sold around 1.5 million since its release back in July 2014, with about 100,000 to 150,000 units sold of the Model A and Model A+ units. As for sales numbers for the Pi 2, which was announced two weeks ago, accounts for 500,000 sales.
    The foundation went on to say that it estimates that the units sold are split between the PCs being purchased for educational, industrial, and hobbyist use.
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