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Google Accepting Applications for Google Glass Testers

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  • Google Accepting Applications for Google Glass Testers

    A new video shows off the Google Glass UI.

    Google on Tuesday provided a glimpse of how the world looks and feels through the eyes of someone wearing its Glass eyegear. The Google Glass project, if you're not already familiar, is an augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD) that displays information about the world around you. It lets you interact with the environment using voice commands, similar to using a smartphone.
    In a new video showing off the technology, Google demonstrates some ways you can interact with the UI. You can tell Glass to "Record a video" or "Take a picture," among many other commands. Have a look for yourself:

    The downside to all this is that if Glass eventually goes mainstream, people are going to be walking around yelling out voice commands all the time, though that fear proved largely unfounded when Siri and Google Now debuted.
    Intrigued? If so, you can apply to be a Google Glass tester. If chosen, you'll need to cough up $1,500 to pre-order a Glass Explorer Edition.
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