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Asus and AMD Get Cozy, Look to Expand Partnership in Desktop Arena

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  • Asus and AMD Get Cozy, Look to Expand Partnership in Desktop Arena

    Did we just become best friends? Yup! - Step Brothers

    We're always hearing about Intel and Microsoft working with system vendors to promote cheaper systems, but what about AMD? Well, if the chatty heads entrenched in the upstream supply chain know what they're talking about, then AMD and Asus are fast becoming BFFs in the desktop space. AMD is even said to be using the name "Zen" for its next-generation desktop APU platform.
    According to Digitimes and its sources, the decision to roll with "Zen" is not a coincidence -- it's a branding that Asus has used on past products and a sign that the two companies are expanding their relationship. The sources also say that AMD has been offering Asus special discounts for its CPUs.
    Those same sources believe that AMD is trying to expand its desktop APU sales by cooperating with Asus and wants to bump its overall market share to above 30 percent, which is about where it's at now. However, AMD has to walk a fine line so as not to drive companies like Gigabyte and MSI towards the competition.
    Take all this with a grain of salt. One thing to keep in mind is that AMD has a new CEO in Dr. Lisa Su, who just last week replaced Rory Read as head of the company. Given how recently this happened, it's a bit too early to know what kind of strategy Dr. Su will put into place.
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