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Microsoft's Windows Insider Program for Windows 10 Hits 1 Million Registrants

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  • Microsoft's Windows Insider Program for Windows 10 Hits 1 Million Registrants

    Over a third of Windows 10 users are running the OS on a virtual machine

    Microsoft caught the tech community off guard when it skipped over Windows 9 and jumped directly to Windows 10 -- so for much for those rumors of Windows 9 being a free upgrade for Windows 8 users! Alternative theories aside (such as lazy coding), the move to Windows 10 is a marketing ploy, and if the goal is make users curious, it's working. Over the weekend, Microsoft's Windows Insider Program hit 1 million registrants.
    Signing up for the Windows Insider Program is a prerequisite to downloading the Windows 10 Technical Preview, and while Microsoft didn't provide specific download figures, the company stated in a blog post that those 1 million registrants "equates to a lot of people" using the new OS.
    Microsoft's goal with the Technical Preview is to get feedback from users (or if you're wearing your conspiracy theory cap, it's to spy on users and collect personal data). In the less than two weeks since Windows 10 has been available to the public, Microsoft has collected over 200,000 pieces of feedback submitted via the Windows Feedback app.
    According to Microsoft, "only 36 percent" of Windows 10 Technical Preview installations are on a virtual machine (VM); the rest are on actual PCs. While Microsoft says it's "cool" to use a VM if you want, the amount of users running the OS on an actual PC makes the company confident that the majority of feedback is based on "medium-term" use rather than just a few minutes of experimentation.
    Other fun stats -- around 68 percent of Windows 10 users are launching more than seven apps per day. A quarter of Windows 10 users have been launching more than 26 apps per day, while 5 percent average 68 app launches on any given day.
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