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CES 2015: Razer Discusses Open Source Virtual Reality Initiative [Video]

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  • CES 2015: Razer Discusses Open Source Virtual Reality Initiative [Video]

    A real look at Razer's virtual play

    Whether or not virtual reality has the legs to go the distance remains to be seen, especially since the technology is in the crawling stage at this point. However, what we do know for sure is that there are a lot of companies excited about the potential. Obviously there's Oculus Rift VR, which is the most popular, but now we have Razer as a player. One of Razer's big reveals at this year's Consumer Electronics Show is the Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) ecosystem, and we were on hand to discuss the technology with the company.
    OSVR attacks VR from both the software and hardware side of things. It's also focused on gaming -- it supports popular game engines like Unity 3D and Unreal 4 Engine, along with device plugins from hardware makers like Bosch, Sixense, and LeapMotion. On top of all that, it's designed to support all VR devices, including the Oculus DK2 and Vrvana's Toem headset.
    The idea is to push VR forward and get it into the consumer space. As such, Razer's designs are open source to encourage partners to run with VR -- Razer doesn't plan on releasing competing core products of its own, though it will likely dabble in related peripherals.
    Find out more of what Razer had to say in the video below:

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