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Valve to Demo SteamVR and New Living Room Devices at GDC

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  • Valve to Demo SteamVR and New Living Room Devices at GDC

    The fight for the living room just got bigger

    Unlike most developers and publishers that tend to inundate consumers with trailers, screenshots, developer diaries, and press releases to keep their games in the public’s eye, Valve tends to stay quiet. So while we know that the company has been working on its Steam Machines and perfecting its Steam Controller, it appears that these devices weren’t the only things the company has been working on. In fact, Valve will be unveiling a selection of new living room devices and a SteamVR hardware system at GDC while demonstrating its Steam Machines and finalized Steam Controller.
    “Steam is bringing the best games and user-generated content to exciting new destinations,” reads a post asking for VR content creators to sign up. “At GDC 2015, we’ll be giving demos of the refined Steam Controller, new living room devices, and a previously-unannounced SteamVR hardware system.”
    No further details regarding the new devices were provided, though Valve is looking for VR content creators to sign up and that the company will be providing scheduled VR demos during GDC March 4-6. For a while know, we knew that Valve had been dabbling with VR devices and had even shared its research with Oculus VR. But, at that time, the company had stated that there was no interest in releasing its own VR hardware. In addition, Valve provided a few statistics about Steam which now offers around 4,500 games, that there is 400 million pieces of user-generated content from the Steam Community, and that there are over 125 million active Steam accounts worldwide.
    As for what the new living room devices might be, we couldn’t even begin to guess (perhaps a SteamTV at this rate). Luckily we are scheduled to meet with Valve at GDC and will report back very soon.
    What do you think Valve will reveal at the event exactly? Let us know in the comments section below!
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