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                              christian louboutin Ginnifer Goodwin thinks something goes with small hair.The 'Once On A Time' actress promises her new pixie crop is a breeze to drag off and can not understand why folks feel it is a challenging seem to use.Ginnifer, 34, reported: "I can don far more with small hair than I could when I had [long] hair. Comment on this Article"Everything goes with quick hair. It really is bananas."The brunette beauty - who is dating her 'Once On a Time' on-screen love interest Josh Dallas - also statements styling her elfin crop is far more manageable, despite having a "crazy 'fro."She quipped to Folks magazine: "Folks say it is a difficult hairstyle to pull off, but I don't see how it is difficult."I have very curly hair and I straighten it every day - it takes maybe two minutes."I can't imagine anyone having a bigger challenge than I do in the kinkiness that is my "crazy 'fro."Ginnifer - who lists Jason Wu, Preen and Jonathan Saunders as her favourite designers of the moment - revealed she's a big fan of the neon trend for Spring/Summer. She explained: "The fashion industry is growing and changing and taking risks. I'm excited about all of the shapes and colours."Justin Bieber's Mature 2nd Fragrance mulberry sale Jennifer Hudson will be to release a cost-effective manner selection with QVC. The 30-year-old singer could be to introduce the Jennifer Hudson Assortment for QVC in September and her new range will comprise of parts from her former dimensions sixteen to her current start looking, size six, for all of her fans who span that range. She advised WWD: "I feel like I represent every woman. I've been on both sides of the fence. "I've been a big girl and now whatever this is, the average size, whatever you want to call it. But I wanted the clothes to be where any girl could wear it - no matter what dimensions you are - and you could feel comfortable in it." Comment on this ArticleThe 'Dreamgirls' actress is "looking forward" to her selection drawing in the multicultural market as well as music and film fanatics, and the brunette beauty insists she would wear every single item in her 14-piece assortment. She explained: "It has to be true to me. I would not sign off on it if I would not wear it."Jennifer's variety consists of a $75 sheer maxiskirt with a discreet lining, a $74.50 body-hugging knit dress and $50 leggings, of which she confesses to owning 300 pairs of the garments. She said: "I'm the legging queen. What I love about a legging is, again, it's a piece you can dress up or down and it's still comfortable." Jennifer - who resides in Chicago - added coats to her selection for her cold weather neighbours and the most expensive item is a charcoal grey coat that flares out into a full skirt priced at $170. She said: "It's cut like a dress. It's very structured [and] very classic."Doug Howe, QVC's executive vice president of merchandising, planning and sales, added: "She has this great Cinderella story, an aspiration for different women."We don't overtly go out to target someone who is Hispanic or African-American. "We never glance at it that way. It all starts with the person's story and product. That dictates who buys it."Comme des Garçons results in constrained edition line moncler
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